Our Services

Why Chinese Medicine?

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) focuses on achieving health and wellbeing using Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Tui Na, Nutritional advice, Moxabustion, Gua Sha, and Cupping to cultivate and rebalance the internal atmosphere of each individual person leading to optimal health. As a person's symptoms shift and change, we will continually adapt the treatment principles and strategies. This approach to treatment is a journey that evolves as the body regains its balance.


Acupuncture is the insertion of solid hair-thin filiform needles into the body at acupuncture points that are located on meridians that traverse and connect all aspects of our bodies. Think of your body as a closed-loop, and of meridians as the roadway that directs your flow of energy. If your blood, body fluids, and energy are not flowing smoothly, then at some point, an imbalance will begin to show itself. This could take the form of headaches, menstrual cramps, mood swings, back pain, irregular menstruation, etc. Acupuncture stimulation assists the body in regaining its balance and improve its ability to fight disease.  Point combinations are chosen for the patient’s unique challenges and will change as the imbalance evolves.  Acupuncture can help regulate your body's function, remove blood stasis, calm your nervous system, and free the flow of you're energy so you can feel better every day. 


Traditional Chinese herbs are a safe and effective way to treat many imbalances in the body when prescribed by a licensed herbal practitioner. Many of the formulas that serve as a foundation for current treatments have been used for over a thousand years. In that time, the depth of understanding we possess of the effectiveness of substances found in the natural world to treat disease has become vast. These herbal formulas treat the root of the problem, relieve symptoms, and restores normal body functions – allowing people to feel better and more vital while living a longer, healthier life.

There are approximately 5,000 ingredients in the Chinese medicine pharmacopeia, about 500 of which are commonly used. These consist of flowers, barks, leaves, roots, seeds, stems, fruits, berries, and many other gifts of nature. They are mixed in different combinations to create powerful, healing recipes that are carefully balanced according to energetic principles.

The formulas are given in either pill or tea form and should be taken as directed by your practitioner. The formulas are safe and effective under supervision. One should not try to self-medicate with single herbs and should always consult a practitioner before taking any Chinese herbal formulas.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Chinese medicine is its approach to disease. The diagnostic model allows the practitioner to adapt treatment to the disease as it changes. That may sound simple enough, but it is profound. This means that as your health improves, I can adjust your herbal formula accordingly. In this way, we can gently and effectively help your body return to a balanced state.


Micro-needling has anti-aging benefits thanks to its ability to produce new skin cells and increase the skin’s production of elastin and collagen, which can help improve skin elasticity. Thus, this procedure can potentially address the most common signs of aging that affect our complexions, such as fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging.


Cupping has been used globally for thousands of years to treat various conditions. Cupping is the application of suction through a glass or plastic cup to the body. Depending on the condition, the cups may stay in place for 10-15 minutes or they will be moved over an area of the body in a technique known as moving or sliding cups. Cupping draws Qi, blood, and fluid to the surface where they can be dispersed with massage, Tui Na, and topical linaments to relieve pain and help relieve congestion in the lungs. It feels like having a deep tissue massage in a few minutes. Most of the time the body gets pressed or stretched but it rarely gets lifted. This gentle pulling up of the skin, muscle, and fluid releases the muscle and fascial adhesions that can form in our bodies over time. This can allow your muscle and connective tissue to move freely and reduce pain.


Moxibustion is the burning of the herb mugwort either on a needle, directly on the skin, in a Moxa box, or in a rolled cigar-like fashion. The heat from the herb can reduce swelling, warm the area of concern, increase circulation of Qi and blood, reduce cold and stagnation, help turn a breeched baby, reduce swelling and bruising of an injury, relieve menstrual cramps and increase overall circulation.


Tui Na (twee-nah) or Chinese medical massage is a therapeutic massage used for a myriad of health problems. Chinese medical massage is a method whereby a variety of touch is used by the practitioner to balance the Chi energy, vital substances, and the internal organs.

Stimulating the flow of blood and body fluids, Chinese medical massage releases blockages in these vital substances that would otherwise cause pain, swelling, toxic buildup, and other health symptoms. Chinese medical massage is beneficial to almost anyone.